It's already out in Japan but here in Europe we have to wait for 3 more months :( Also North America and Australia have to wait until September. I am talking about Kingdom Hearts 1.5 ReMIX, fully remastered in HD. The collection includes both KH Final Mix and KH Re:Chain Of Memories. And of course the HD cinematic story videos of the Nintendo-DS game Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.
24 jun 2013
Hi guys! So what have we seen of Kingdom Hearts 3 so far? The E3 had a lot in store for us. Let's start at the beginning. Besides being totally happy about the PS4, it came with an even bigger splash of euphoria namely Kingdom Hearts 3. Tetsuya Nomura is currently busy with Final Fantasy XV and his team is all over it. So who's working on KH3?
Hello KH-fans! About 14 days ago Square-Enix announced Kingdom Hearts 3. I saw the trailer and was just in shock that this was really happening. I mean, I had this image in my head of me being 30 years old and thinking what's the name of that kid again? But fear not, it's here and it's coming soon! And there is so much to find out, because from now on there will be a stream of info coming right at us. I think it's all part of the experience or rather the adventure. So that's why I named my blog 'Kingdom Hearts Adventure'.